Discover Comfort and Community with MDS
At MDS, our Shared Accommodation Service aims to provide a comfortable and inclusive living
environment for individuals with disabilities. We're here to assist you every step of the way,
from locating suitable accommodations to navigating the application process and ensuring your
needs are met within your tenancy agreement.
Our involvement doesn't stop at finding a place to stay. We act as intermediaries between
participants and landlords, facilitating effective communication to maintain a harmonious living
arrangement. MDS is dedicated to ensuring that you obtain and retain appropriate accommodation
that aligns with your preferences and requirements.
Our comprehensive support encompasses a range of activities designed to make your living
experience as seamless as possible. From aiding in rental tenancy applications to offering
assistance in managing day-to-day tasks, our experienced Carers are here to guide, prompt, and
engage in activities that promote your well-being.
Here's what you can expect from our experienced Carers in shared accommodation: